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My CMake Course is out!

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My first ever course is out on Udemy. You can enroll now or you can check out my blog or the free videos to become familiar with my teaching.
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Person Photographing

Photogrammetry for Game Development

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Read this article to understand what photogrammetry is and how it can help you today to generate reallistic 3D models for your next game.
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C++ Packages for a custom Game Engine

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A list of awesome packages that you most certainly will need when developing your own game engine. Make sure you check them out...
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Network game architecture

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In this post I explain a simple network architecture for a MMO game that will have a central server and room based matchmaking.
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Python Asynchronous Programming

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In this article I show the complete basics for how async code gets executed. This is a topic relevant for network development with python.
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Debugging C++ compiled to WebAssembly

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In this article, it is shown how to use chrome for debugging WebAssmebly files (.wasm) that were produced from C++ through Emscripten.
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Memory profiling on windows for C++

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In this article I am discussing the available options for memory profiling on Windows for the C/C++ languages.
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GDNative and CMake code-first approach

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I will explore an easy to use GDNative option for the programmers among us. I will use CMake along with python and some clever code generation.
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CI/CD for C/C++ games using GitHub Actions

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In this article, I discuss how you can utilize GitHub Actions to build, release and even publish your game to using butler.
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Godot Module using CMake

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In this article, I explore how to create a Godot module in C++ by wrapping up the compilation of Godot with the CMake build system.
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