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C / C++

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What are Shaders?

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In this article you will learn on the basic level what shaders are and how they are used in graphics programming.
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Rust enums in Modern C++ – Match Pattern

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In this article I show a smart way to do variant matching in C++ using a few clever macros and the std::visit function.
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The Microsoft.GSL Library

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In this article I will explore a library for C++. It is called GSL and it is an open-source library by Microsoft under the MIT license.
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Rust Enums in Modern C++

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A lot of people comment about rust enums being really powerful and I wanted to showcase how one can achieve the same functionality in C++
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C++ Conditional Statements

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In this article I explore conditional statements in C++ and there are a few more advanced examples for intermediate programmers.
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What is Graphics Programming?

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In this article I explore what graphics programming is as well as some common terminology and tools used in it.
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Hello, BGFX!

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In this article I will show you how to work with the BGFX graphics library through my BIG2 stack. This is a good intro to graphics programming
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The BIG2 Stack

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In this article I showcase how you can develop graphics with the BGFX library and also introduce you to my own open-source project.
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Making Tic-Tac-Toe in ANSI C

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In this simple tutorial I teach you how to create a game of Tic-Tac-Toe in ANSI C. It is beginner friendly so check it out.
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CMake Cross-Compiling using Docker

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In this article I explore C/C++ cross-compiling through docker containers. I use the very well made dockcross containers. Check out for more!
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