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C / C++

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GDExtension CMake Programmer Setup

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Learn how to make a GDExtension code first approach (or a programmer setup) for your next Godot 4 project. 🤖
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Godot 4: GDExtension for C++ using CMake

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In this article I showcase how you can use GDExtension to write some very simple game logic. I set this up using the common CMake tool.
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C++ Logo

How to Embed Files in Your C++ Project

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In this article I am going to explore a way that you can use to embed files in your C++ project. Check out how you can do that too!
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CMake Logo

What is CMake?

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In this article I aim to introduce and educate you on what CMake is and how it is releated to your work as a C or C++ developer.
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OpenGL vs Vulkan

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In this article I discuss the most important differences when choosing betwen OpenGL and Vulkan for your next game.
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CppCheck Logo

CMake static analyser with CppCheck

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In this article I explore what a static analyzer is & how it can improve your development process. I also give an example with CMake.
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My CMake Course is out!

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My first ever course is out on Udemy. You can enroll now or you can check out my blog or the free videos to become familiar with my teaching.
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C++ Packages for a custom Game Engine

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A list of awesome packages that you most certainly will need when developing your own game engine. Make sure you check them out...
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WebAssembly Logo

Debugging C++ compiled to WebAssembly

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In this article, it is shown how to use chrome for debugging WebAssmebly files (.wasm) that were produced from C++ through Emscripten.
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Memory profiling on windows for C++

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In this article I am discussing the available options for memory profiling on Windows for the C/C++ languages.
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