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C / C++

WebAssembly Logo

Programming a C++ game for the web (Emscripten)

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In this article I will share with you how I port and develop my games using C++ for the web.
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C Logo

Prgramming a pong game in ANSI C

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A tutorial on how to create a simple pong game using the ansi (pure) C programming language.
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Game ideas for beginners in C/C++

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If you're looking for some ideas on where to start your game development journey - you're in the right place
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C++ Logo

Introduction to C++

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An alternative introduction to C++ programming with mathematics-first approach.
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CMake Logo

How to manage dependencies with CMake and VCPKG

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How to use vcpkg tool with cmake projects.
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CMake Logo

How to setup CMake for C++ (Windows)

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An introduction to CMake for project management in C++.
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