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C / C++

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GDNative and CMake code-first approach

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I will explore an easy to use GDNative option for the programmers among us. I will use CMake along with python and some clever code generation.
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CI/CD for C/C++ games using GitHub Actions

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In this article, I discuss how you can utilize GitHub Actions to build, release and even publish your game to using butler.
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Godot Module using CMake

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In this article, I explore how to create a Godot module in C++ by wrapping up the compilation of Godot with the CMake build system.
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Godot Native using CMake

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In this article, you will learn how to create your own Godot Native (GDNative) project and compile it for any platform using CMake.
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Introduction to Lua in C++ with Sol2

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This article explains how to easily embed Lua into your C++ project. Lua is an useful scripting language, it is fast and it is not compiled.
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CMake Logo

How to write unit tests with CMake

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Unit testing is an important part of every software project. Many people underestimate how powerful it is to spend some boring time to write unit tests but it will really save you some frustration time at a later point in time.
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How to build & run custom tools with CMake

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This article will tackle the question how to build your own custom tools and why would you need them?
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How to manage dependencies with CMake

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Lets say for example that you would like to build a custom game engine. This article will show you how to manage your CMake dependencies on a high-level examples.
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CMake targets

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An article covering what are the main kind of targets you can have in CMake.
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C/C++ Compilation process

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A short guide on what the compiler and linker is in the C/C++ language.
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