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My Course on Data Serialization is out!

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category C / C++

I created my fourth course. In this one I teach a lot about data serialization using FlatBuffers. Data serialization is an advanced topic that shouldn’t be neglected. A lot of people in the modern days just default to serializing their data using formats like JSON or XML but this is not the best way to go about it. In the course I will teach you the ways and benefits of binary serialization.

Table of Contents


How to get the course?

You can watch the course now on Udemy. If you use the link above you will get a discount and you also support my work since I will get 97% for this which is a win-win situation.

In this bite-sized course you will learn what data serialization is and how to do it properly. Data serialization is an important topic for anyone – from web developers sending data over the network to desktop applications and games where you might want to save settings or game saves onto the disk and then read them fast later.

In any of the above cases you would like to have a fast method of preparing data for being sent and also read back on the other side. So I will introduce binary serialization and its benefits compared to the more widespread JSON or XML alternatives.


This library is developed by Google and is a really efficient mechanism for serializing data. It is one of the two libraries available that are really poplular and the second one is also developed by Google and is called ProtoBuf which is used mostly for their other technology called gRPC. The FlatBuffers library is more lightweight and versiltile though and you can use it for so much more than ProtoBuf.

I will be teaching the FlatBuffers schema language for the most of this course. But a lot of the ideas taken from FlatBuffers are also aplicable to ProtoBuf and gRPC communication. You will also be able to compile flatbuffers for other languages as well and not just for C++ – so you can have a C++ server and an EcmaScript client for example.

What will you learn?

  • How to use serialize data
  • How to create FlatBuffers
  • The difference between Binary and JSON files
  • Writing efficient modern C++ code
  • The FlatBuffers schema language in detail


  • Basic C++ knowledge
  • Basic understanding of OOP

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